Past Events
Cedar Room
Join the Center for Comparative Studies in Race and Ethnicity at our annual Anne and Loren Kieve Distinguished Lecture. Tommy Orange is the author of There There, a 2019 American Book Award winner…
355 Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94305
Oshman Hall
Stanford's Public Humanities Initiative, and its flagship "What Is A Public Intellectual Today?" speaker series, invite you to a conversation with acclaimed author Melissa Febos.
What does digital history offer that is new? Can it change our image of the past? Does it change how scholars and readers interact with the past? Stanford Public Humanities invites you to a…
557 Escondido Mall Stanford, CA 94305-6063
Hohbach Hall Presentation Room
Stanford Public Humanities invites you to our first event of the year: Ryan Mac '11 and Kate Conger, New York Times Reporters and the authors of the new book, Character Limit: How Elon Musk…
Stanford Public Humanities in partnership with the New York Institute for the Humanities invites you to join an engaging virtual conversation about public scholarship and the craft of…