2024-2025 Academic Year
Fall Quarter
New Directions for Academic Publishing: Giovanna Ceserani On Her Open Access Digital Book
Wednesday, October 1612-1:15 pm
Register for the zoom link to attend
Stanford event link here
(Please note the event will be an open format rather than a webinar, but you are welcome to have your camera off).
What does digital history offer that is new? Can it change our image of the past? Does it change how scholars and readers interact with the past? Stanford Public Humanities invites you to a virtual conversation with Stanford Professor of Classics Giovanna Ceserani, the author of A World Made by Travel: the digital Grand Tour which is an open access publication that combines —in dynamic format— original research with data and visualizations about the lives and journeys of 6,007 historical travelers to eighteenth-century Italy, the journey known then and since as the Grand Tour. Giovanna will be in conversation with art history professor and interim co-director of the Public Humanities, Emanuele Lugli.
Winter 2024--A month-long workshop on writing and publishing op-eds with Lois Kazakoff, former deputy editorial page director of the San Francisco Chronicle, alongside Natalie Jabbar, Associate Director of Stanford Public Humanities.
Spring 2023--An intensive three-day magazine-writing workshop with New Yorker Ideas Editor, Joshua Rothman.
Fall 2022--A month-long working on writing a book for a general audience with literary agent Molly Atlas and editor Hilary Redmon.
Fall 2021--A month-long workshop on writing a book for a general audience with literary agent Alia Hana Habib and editor Vanessa Mobley.
Spring 2021--A month-long workshop on writing a book for a general audience with literary agent Tina Bennett and book editor Alexander Star (FSG). The goal: to help faculty develop a book idea for a general/non-academic audience and plan the elements of a trade book proposal.
Winter 2021--Following on the success of the first public humanities workshop, a second virtual workshop on writing and publishing op-eds with Lois Kazakoff, former deputy editorial page director of the San Francisco Chronicle.
Spring 2020--The first public humanities workshop: a month-long workshop held over zoom on writing and publishing op-eds with Lois Kazakoff, former deputy editorial page director of the San Francisco Chronicle.